Scottish Publishers
- Arachnid Press Independent Scottish publisher.
A range of books of Scottish interest, including books on history, archaeology,
customs and traditions, travel and folklore, modern and classic Scottish poetry
and fiction.
- Black and White Publishing A wide range of books of
Scottish interest and beyond.
- Canongate Books Publishers of fiction based in
- Carn Publishing Publish a selection of books with the main
focus on Ayrshire
- Colin Baxter Many photographic books and guides, especially
about Scotland.
- Edinburgh University Press Wide range of academic titles
including a number about Scottish history and archaeology, Scottish literature,
and Scottish politics.
- Flame Books Publishers of out of the ordinary books.
- The Grimsay Press
The Grimsay Press publishes books (often reprints of long out of date reference
works) of interest to family, local and social historians.
- Harvey Maps Publishers of maps for walkers, cyclists and
- KEA Publishing Specialist publisher of aviation and
Scottish interest books. 14 Flures Crescent, Erskine, PA8 7DJ.
- Luath Press Producers of books about Scotland and aspects
of Scottish history. Committed to "publishing well written books worth
- Ness Publishing Publishers of a series of regional,
photographically illustrated books about Scotland.
- Pocket Mountains Publishers of the superb Pocket Mountains
series of mountain walking guides.
- Rucksack Readers Publishers of a range of waterproof
walkers guides, many about Scottish long distance walks.
- Stenlake Publishing A large range of books of old
photographs of particular places in Scotland or particular aspects of
Scotland's past.
- Whittles Publishing Independent publishing house based in
Dunbeath, Caithness.
Publishers With a Range of Scottish Titles
- Cicerone Broad selection of guides to walking and
- Glennoe Publishing A new publisher dedicated to the
publication of original, high quality, fiction and non-fiction books with
Celtic themes.
- The History Press
Previously "Tempus", publisher of a wide range of books on historical themes,
including many collections of old photos. Good coverage of Scottish
- Lily Publications Isle of Man based publisher with a good
range of Scottish interest books.
- Lonely Planet Needs no introduction: their huge range
includes titles about Scotland.
- Rough Guides Needs no introduction: their huge range
includes titles about Scotland.